We are very excited to share with you that the second of our two charity partners for the 4th annual Leicester Curry Awards is the brilliant Age UK Leicester Shire and Rutland.
For over 75 years, this wonderful cause has been working with the elderly, and today, the Age UK network comprises around 130 local Age UKs reaching most of England.
Age UK Leicestershire and Rutland work in the local community to help older people live happier, active, fulfilled and socially-engaged lives in communities around the City, County and Rutland.

Vision and Mission:
“We are a voluntary organisation that exists to promote the well-being of all older people by helping to make life fulfilling and enjoyable.
Our organisation is committed to the welfare of older people to maintain their dignity and recognise their value as individuals.
We believe that dignity, privacy and independence can be preserved by providing opportunities for older people to develop new skills and knowledge, form and continue friendships and to have their views listened to, accepted and made known.
Our main aim is to develop sufficient and relevant services that reflect the needs and wishes of older people living in the city of Leicester and counties of Leicestershire & Rutland.”
Tony Donovan, Executive Director Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland says “We feel honoured that Leicester Curry Awards are supporting us to raise awareness about the issues that local older people are facing. Working together at a local level, we are helping to make their lives more enjoyable and fulfilling,”
For further information visit: www.ageuk.org.uk/leics
Leicester Curry Awards 2020 will take place on Monday 20th April, 2020 at the Athena, Leicester.